Monday 28 January 2013

The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes


This poem starts out with a highwayman (that's a robber who holds people up on the road) visiting his girlfriend Bess at her father's inn. He's on the move (apparently he's got some robbing to do) so he only has time for one kiss. He promises that he'll be back by the next night at the latest....

In the comment box below, write your name at the top and answer as many of these questions as you can:

1) What is the weather like when the poem begins?

2) What was the highwayman wearing?

3) Describe what Bess, the landlord's daughter, looks like:
4) What does Tim the ostler look like?
5) Where is the Highwayman going after he leaves Bess?

6) What did King George's men do when they arrived at the inn?

7) Why did the men come to the inn?

8) Describe how the soldiers tied Bess up.

9) Write down the words the poet has used to describe the sound of the Highwayman's horse.

10) Why did Bess decide to shoot herself?

11) How do you think King George's men found out that the Highwayman was going to be at the inn?

12) How does the story end?